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Fabien MOUTARDE's homepage

Full Professor
Director of the Center for Robotics
MINES PARIS (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, ENSMP)
PSL Université Paris

60, bd St-Michel, 75272 Paris Cedex 06, FRANCE 

Tel: (33) (from France, add a '0' before the '1')
Fax: (33)
E-mail: Fabien.Moutarde@minesparis.psl.eu

[Pour la version francaise de ma page d'accueil, cliquer ici]



- [since 2018] Participation to the creation of the new post-Master (Mastère Spécialisé, MS) AI-move, focused on AI techniques used for Human-Robots/Machines Interaction. I teach two courses in AI-move: "Introduction to Machine-Learning" and "AI challenges for Intelligent Vehicles".
    [pdf of slides on "AI challenges for Automated & Connected Vehicles"]
    [pdf of slides on "Deep-Learning for Automated Vehicles"]
    [pdf of slides on "End-to-end driving from vision with Deep-Learning"]

- [since 2007] Introduction to Machine-Learning, as an elective course proposed each autumn (a week in November) to 2nd (or 3rd) year students of MinesParis PSL. I have created this course, and am now co-responsible of it with with my colleague Dr Chloé Azencott.

- [since 2017] Co-responsible with Dr Chloé Azencott of the "Large-Scale Machine-Learning" course, proposed as an elective course to 3rd (or 2nd) year students of MINES ParisTech.
NB: a pre-requisite for this course is to have already attended my Machine-Learning course, or an equivalent course.
Within this course, I teach:

- Course on "Deep-Learning and Machine-Learning" at ParisTech_Shanghai (SPEIT), proposed in 4th year (= last year of SJTU BSc).

Besides, I also ensure coordination of all MINES_ParisTech visiting professors teaching at SJTU/SPEIT (ParisTech_Shanghai), which is a French engineering school in China.

Former courses:


My current research domains

Pattern recognition and gesture recognition,
Computer vision,
Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicules,
Intelligent Transport Systems,
Road traffic analysis and forecasting.

- My publications (on HAL)

- My GoogleScholar profile (h-index=23 in November 2022)

- My previous Research domains:
    Image compression
    ... and also astrophysics, more precisely Cosmology (domain of my PhD thesis defended in 1992).

If you want to know more about my formation and experiences, here is my resume.

Please send comments to: Fabien.Moutarde@minesparis.psl.eu