T.P.  "HMM et DTW pour reconnaissance de gestes"

Sotiris Manitsaris

Centre de Robotique (CAOR), Mines ParisTech




This tutorial gives a gentle introduction to Hidden Markov Models as mathematical abstractions and relates them to their use in gesture recognition. More precisely, the goal of this tutorial is to familiarise the audience with HMMs and the way they can model and recognize gestural procedures. Moreover, it provides the possibility to learn how to configure the internal states of an HMM as well as its topology in a way that the model fits better with real-life situations.



Download and unzip the files, and



Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are stochastic models that are commonly used to model and recognize human gestures. Each of these states corresponds to a pair of probabilities: a) the probability of transition from one state to another and b) the probability of having specific values of observations. In case of expert technical gestures, each effective gesture of the craftsman or the worker can be associated to a HMM, while the elementary phases of each gesture constitute internal states of the HMM. According to the modelling proposed, these gestures define the gesture dictionary GD={G1, G2,… Gn}.

According to the HMM theory, the gestures have to be modelled before the machine learning procedure, where the sequences of features (otherwise sequence of observation vectors) are used to train the models.

Let S={S1, S2,… SN}  be a finite space of states, corresponding to all the elementary phases of a gesture. A hidden sequence of states Q={q1, q2,…} is also considered. The transition probability aij=P(qt+1=Sj | qt=Si)  between the states i and j is given in the transition matrix A={aij}. A given sequence of hidden states Q is supposed to generate an obvious sequence of observation vectors Β={o1, o2,…}.  We assume that the vectors ot depends only on the state qt. From now on, the likelihood that the observation q is the result of the state o will be defined as P(Βt=ot | qt=Si). It is important to outline that according to the theory of HMMs, each internal state of the model depends only on its previous state. Consequently, the set of the models for all gestures is GM={λ1, λ2,… λn} where λ=(A, B, π) are the parameters of the model, where πi=P(q1=Si) is the initial state probability.


Experiment 1

In this experiment we will get familiar with the notions of Confusion Matrix, Precision and Recall, which are very important for the evaluation of any gesture recognition system. Some questions will be asked to you. Please answer them one by one by putting your name as the name of the text file.


To do so, please enter in the folder HMM_Offline and run the TP_HMM.exe.

Then, you should indicate the file that contains the gestural data by typing the name TP_HMM.grt. Then it will be asked to you to type a number for the clusters to be used by the K-Means algorithm, the topology of the HMM and the number of the internal states for all the HMMs. Please ask for 4 clusters, a left-to-right HMMs with 7 internal states.


Normally you should get a similar screen:



As you see there are lists of gestures in both the first line and row. Those in the line correspond to the HMM models that have been trained and those in the row correspond to the input gestures that have been given for recognition.


1/ How can you interpret the content of the confusion matrix?


Please repeat exactly the same procedure 4 more times and copy-paste the values into file sheet.


2/ Can the values of the confusion matrix change from one iteration to the other? If yes, why?


Please add the values for each gesture of all the 5 confusion matrices in order to compute a total confusion matrix. Then, calculate the Precision and Recall of the system following the formulas below:







3/ What is the difference between "Precision and Recall", and, the "Recognition Accuracy" provided below each confusion matrix?


4/ Which HMM has the lowest performance and which the highest?


Please exit from the TP_HMM.exe



Experiment 2

Within the folder HMM_Offline you will find 3 sets of data from pottery gestures. More precisely, it is provided to you the file Animazoo_potterA.grt (data extracted from the gestures of a Greek potter, by using inertial sensors) and the files Animazoo_potterB.grt and Kinect_potterB.grt (data extracted from the gestures of a French potter, by using synchroniously Kinect and Animazoo).


It has been asked to the potter A to create 5 bowls of 18-20 cm of diameter, 10 cm of height and approximately 1,3 kg of clay. Additionally, it has been asked to the potter B to create bigger bowls of the same shape with the potter A, with 20-23 cm of diameter and 13 cm of height with 1,75 kg of clay. All gestures have duration of 15-25 seconds and they can be segmented into 4 phases.


The first phase in the centring and bottom opening, consists on fixing of the clay on the wheel, hands are pressing with stability on the material aiming at the opening of the bottom.


Then, the hands of the potter are picking up the clay, defining the height of the bowl through the second gesture, the raise of the clay.


Then the body posture is changing, slightly turning on the right or on the left side for the first configuration of the shape, for the third phase. Precise finger gestures are specifying the basic form of the object. The fingers of the one hand are fixing the clay and of the other are forming the object. His hands are too close to each other, touching the inner and outer sides of the clay respectively.


After this stage, the potter is making the final configuration of the shape. His fingers are controlling and equalizing the bowl thickness and at the end the potter passes a very fine wire between the bowl and the wheel in order to take the bowl.




SnapShot V1

SnapShot V2

SnapShot V3

SnapShot V4

4 basic gestural phases


Centering and bottom opening


The raise


The first configuration


The final configuration and removing



Now that you have your first experience in pottery, open in the notepad the files Animazoo_potterB.grt and Kinect_potterB.grt (numbers above the line "TimesSeriesData").


1/ What kind of conclusions can you extract when looking at the data of the different sensors? Is there any difference?


Please close these files and run the TP_HMM.exe. Give as file name the Animazoo_PotterB.grt. Introduce 4 clusters, define an ergodic model with 4 internal states.


If you edit the file HMMModel.grt you should receive transitions matrices similar as:


















































































2/ How can you verify that the transition matrices are valid?


3/ How do you perceive the effect of the different transition matrices on the sequences obtained during the current experiment?


When observing the A2, we could conclude that HMM2 rules the order in which the states are browsed because we can easily observe high probabilities on staying at the same state. Moreover, A3 allows more for frequent jumps from one state to any other state. Looking back to the pottery gestures, this effect can be explained by the fact that the G3 is the most complex of all the gestures since the potter performs sequential micro-movements to fix the clay and adjust the form of the object. Finally, A4 specifies high probabilities of staying in a particular state and this can be justified by the small number of internal phases of the gesture together with 


Please do exactly the same experiment with the same data by using left-to-right HMMs.


4/ Are there any differences between the ergodic and left-to-right HMMs?  Is the use of 4 internal states for all the models an appropriate solution?



Experiment 3

In this experiment, we will work on a human-robot collaborative use case. An operator has to work with a robot; we want the robot to recognize the operator gesture’s to be synchronized with him. We chose 5 gestures.


Gesture 1: to take a piece in the left claw

Gesture 2: to take a piece in the right claw

Gesture 3: to assemble two pieces together

Gesture 4: to screw

Gesture 5: to put the final piece in a box

We recorded the movements of the two hands of several operators using a Kinect and a tacking algorithm. The gestures were grouped in databases called “operator1.grt” and “operator2.grt”.

You can choose whether to use a left-to-right or an ergodic topology for you models. Then, please do an appropriate number of tests by modifying the parameters of your models in order to determine those that give the highest Precision Recall for two datasets. Please also note that the Precision and Recall should be based on the results of the Confusion Matrices for at least 5 iterations. Finally, you are kindly asked to plot your results by using Excel.


1/ Which kind of model fits better with the gestures of the operator A? Is it the same for the operator B?


2/ Did you find any difference on the modelling by using the different datasets of the Potter B?


3/ Which modelling would you propose for the modelling of operators gestures?


4/ Open the file “TP_DTW_offline”. Run the executable “TP_DTW” with the same datasets. Do you have the same results? Why ?



Experiment 4

In this experiment, we will try the real-time gesture recognition. As you know, the mouse can be considered as a 2D motion capture sensor. To do so, you are kindly asked to enter in the folder HMM_Real_Time and run the ConsoleApplication1.exe. Then, a console and the window "Test reco" will open. When the window "Test reco" is selected, you can press "l" to change the dataset or "t" for training the models. The training of the models can take several seconds. When finished, you will receive a message "Model Trained: Yes" in green as well as an histogram with 4 columns that correspond to the likelihood of each gesture.


Here are the 4 gestures to do in real-time with the mouse: a) go left, b) go down, c) go right and d) go up. Enjoy it.


1/ What happens if you perform the gestures the other way around?


2/ What happens if you perform the gestures in an isolated way?


Finally, you are kindly asked to train the system with your own gestures and test it in real-time.